Our Mission: We see the essential mission of the Bermuda Green Party to be the empowerment of all Bermudian people. We see a New Bermuda, in which the talents of every Bermudian will be mobilized in building a humane and self-sustainable society, in which social and economic justice and sustainable ways of living are a reality, not just an ideal. We strive above all else to be completely transparent with no leader, party member or issue going "unchecked" by the people.We intend on addressing the following issues in the near future. Please feel free to offer your opinion. We look forward to hearing the voices that have been silenced for so long.
-Affordable / Sustainable Housing
-Water Conservation
-Protecting Our Environment & Sustaining Ourselves (as much as possible)
-Reduction of Waste / Recycle / Reuse / Compost
-Reducing Imports
-Protecting & Promoting Cultural Diversity
-Implement Gay Rights
-Improving Education & Guiding Our Youth
-Mentoring Programs
-Combating Crime
-Police Procedure & Monitoring Assessments
-Reclassification of Controlled Substances
-Encouraging Tourism On More Levels Than We Are Currently
-Redesigning / Improving Public Transportation
-Caring for Our Seniors & Disabled
-Immigration Reform
-Improved Democracy & Better Governance
-More Appropriate Reallocation Of Funds
Its really very impressive and attractive. I like it. I think others will like it and find it useful for them. Good luck.Bathmate