Friday, September 4, 2009

A Grassroots Movement... The Calling Of A Generation...

(Ewart Brown protest - The start of a grassroots movement?)
Many have asked, "Who are you? What makes you think you can run a country? What could you possibly have to offer?"
Well, the answer is simple. We are a group of young Bermudians, black and white! who believe that our island could be much better than it is right now... Obviously... We believe that by opening this door we give more Bermudians a voice.

Some of us have backgrounds in architecture, design and sustainable residential development, some of us are artists and some of us are labor, construction, teachers and social workers. We have no REAL government experience but that is exactly why we are hoping to be joined by people who do have that kind of experience, organizations that are fighting for change in issues we intend on addressing, as well as the up and coming generation that will eventually rule this country.

Make no mistake, this is a grassroots movement and maybe the pessimist would look down upon that, but the optimist would recognize that even the attempt to make a change is respectable. The fact remains that we have skills that could (if supported) lead to a more sustainable and responsible Bermuda. Yes! We do not know everything but that is why the community and their involvement and the outsourcing of the things we lack the knowledge to effectively deal with, is so important. Recognizing that we don't know everything is an important step for everyone to make.

There is a large portion of Bermuda that feels they do not have a voice, that they are ignored, that they are the minority. If the BGP fails to materialize as a political party, at least we will have made it clear that there are many of us who refuse to be ignored. The issues we raise will obviously attract mostly the young generation and that is exactly what we count on. In 20 years, we hope to have long forgotten the party politics that are current and at the very least be stepping toward a Bermuda that is based on community and careful social planning.

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